The Family

So, Zach's posting a lot of videos here. What are YOU doing?

So, someone out there decided to create a review of Star Wars, Episode One. This is not uncommon. Nor is it uncommon that it is a video review. What *is* quite uncommon though, is that it is a 70 minute well thought out and scripted review that utterly and completely dissects every point of this awful movie and in the same time discusses why Episode IV is the masterpiece it is from the standpoint of creating great cinema. Also, is is hilarious. So, whenever you have some time I HIGHLY recommend watching these.

PS. Language NSFW. Also, a couple times he drifts of on tangents where he is trying to be funny - I did not particularly enjoy these, but don't let these short moments dissuade you from watching the rest of it.

Here are links to the next 6 parts:

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

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